Monday, January 10, 2011

A full year...

A whole year without posting! Too much to do on the family front, a little one to enjoy and watch grow, sleepless nights and crazy days of playing in the mud and the sand...
A lot of crafting was done still, but no time to post!

A pile of scarves for Pocket...
Une pile d'echarpe pour Pocket

Bird hair clip, one of my favourite
Barette avec un petit oiseau, une de mes preferree

And cute linen pants for the sweet babe, finally worked out a pattern that I'm happy with and loving the trims that I found.
Et des petits pantalons mignon en lin pour le petit chou, j'ai finallement reussi a mettre au point un patron qui me plait, et j'adore les rubans (qui viennent d'Allemagne ;)) que j'ai deniches,

I want to try and get back to this space, to create some space for myself again.

Toute une annee sans ecrire! Trop a faire avec notre petite famille, un petit a regarder grandir, des nuits sans someil et des journees passees a jouer dans la boue et le sable... Beaucoup de creations quand meme mais pas de temps pour les consigner...
Je veux essayer de revenir a cet espace, pour recreer un espace pour moi.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Need ... chocolate...

Not much to report on the crafting front this week.
I am still working on these pants for Maxime (I have finally cut the fabric yay!) and I have also been getting ready for an order of felted scarves, which has meant some op-shopping for wool and loads of cutting, washing,.... and piles of stuff everywhere, but not much to show!!
By next week I am hoping I will have completed something...

Hardly any sleep has been had by anyone in this house lately, teething is not much fun, hey!
So on Sunday we desperately needed cake. But not just any cake. It had to have chocolate for the sleep deprived lunatic (me) , and also had to be gluten free and dairy free so to please my delicate little one too!
Oh, and it had to be done in 10 mn. Ha!
So here it is.
Looks good.

I did overcook it slightly, which is what happens when you try and do too many things at the same time, but it was still very nice. And I was glad it was because that was diner with a small bowl of soup...

Crazy week GF/DF chocolate cake

3/4 cup rice flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1 packet (70gr) of Pam's ground almonds
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 heaped tbsp walnut flour (can be replaced by desicated coconut, some walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, or just leave out)
2 1/2 tsp of gluten free baking powder
pinch salt
4 eggs (yes, 4! but then if that's your dinner, who cares!)
3/4 cup sugar
5 tbsp vegetable oil (I use olive oil)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
half a slab of whittaker's bittersweet dark chocolate
1/4 to 1/2 cup rice milk

Heat oven to 180 degrees C.
Melt the chocolate in a saucepan with 2 tbsp of water over low heat.
Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl
Mix the eggs and sugar in another bowl and beat until creamy. Add vanilla extract and oil and beat again. Once chocolate is all melted and has cooled down slightly, add it to the eggs mixture.
Pour the egg mixture into the dry ingredients and stir well. Add a little rice milk to get a smooth batter ( not too runny!)
Bake for 25 mn.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cheaper than opshoping... when I clean my sewing room!
I'm in the middle of sorting out my sewing stuff, as my room is now the baby's room, and he will be sleeping in it in a few months, so I have to find myself a new sewing corner.
And it is amazing how much you can gather in a few years!!

I found all these lovely things in the bottom of a cupboard, and felt so happy, as if I was at the salvation army and just discovered them! I honestly could not remember having all these, which does say a lot on compulsive buying of second hand goods by myself... ahem!
So loads of time was spent patting, rearranging, dreaming on all these "new" founds... and of course not much sorting done!

I have managed to finished a bag and almost completed a second identical one:

I don't usually like to repeat my work, but I enjoyed creating this one, and the sewing part was really enjoyable. I also couldn't decide whether to put it on my shop or to give it to the shop down the road... Hence the twins!
I'm very happy with the result, and if it wasn't for the fact that I am usually seen these days sporting a gigantic nappy bag rather than a cute little tote, I would keep one for myself!

I am still working on the pattern for some trousers for Maxime. I have some lovely linen/cotton fabric that comes from an old dress all ready for it, but I keep revisiting the pattern and adding, rubbing out stuff. I have never made a pettern up before and I am a bit scared of finally throwing myself in the deep end...

...And I have the excuse of spring being here, and walks being compulsory for sanity around here!

Not that I would complain!

Moins cher que la boutique d'occasion: C'est quand je range mes affaires de couture. J'ai retrouve tous ces tissus dans le bas d'un placard. J'etais toute contente, comme si je venais de les trouver dans une boutique. Je ne me rappellais plus du tout que je les avais ce qui donne une indication sur la frenesie avec laquelle j'amasse les tissus!
Du coup apres cette trouvaille, le temps a passe a carresser mes tissus, revasser a ce que j'allais en faire... et les rangements... bof!
J'ai finallement fini mon sac, et j'en ai un deuxieme identique qui est presque fini. Normallement je n'aime pas me repeter, mais j'ai beaucoup aime travailler sur ce design, et je n'arrivais pas non plus a decider si je voulais le mettre dans ma boutique, ou au magasin en bas de la rue. Donc, voila, des jumeaux! J'en aurais bien garde un, mais ces temps ci je sort plutot avec ma "valise" a langes qu'avec un petit sac mignon...soupir...

Je travaille toujours sur un patron de pantalons pour Maxime. J'ai le tissu qu'il faut, lin/cotton (une robe que j'ai trouve en occase...) mais je traine, et n'arrete pas de modifier, ajouter etc au patron.
Le printemps ne m'aide pas non plus a avancer. Ici, la promenade journaliere est obligatoire pour rester saine d'esprit!

Mais je ne m'en plains pas...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Bringing spring inside

Not much crafting to show this week, as I am still slowly working on my bag, and procrastinating on it!
This weekend was gorgeously sunny. I enjoyed being out and about, but I also really loved being in our house, with the windows opened and the sun coming in from everywhere, sewing while my husband took our babe out for an hour. It felt quiet and peaceful. I love these first days of spring just for that.

One small achievement for this week is the opening of my shop on Felt! Although, that doesn't mean there is much in there yet, but mainly that I have worked out how to set up an account an upload a photo, weehee!...

Je n'ai pas de bricolages a montrer cette semaine. Je travaille sur mon sac, mais je bloque sur les anses.
Ce weekend a ete tres ensoleille. J'ai aime pouvoir etre dehors, mais j'ai encore plus apprecie etre dans la maison, avec les fenetres et les portes ouvertes, a faire de la couture pendant que mon mari et mon petit bout allaient faire une ballade! Tout etait tranquille.
J'ai quand meme reussi a ouvrir ma boutique sur Felt cette semaine. Je n'y a pas encore mis grand chose, mais ca viendra dans les prochaines semaines.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

what's in the making

First something that I managed somehow to make last month, with Maxime in his bouncinette. He was fine as long as I sung the whole entire time...! I had to scrape my brain for kids songs that I didn't even know I knew!!
A tag blanket and Maxime's best friend Jeannot Lapin :)

I picked the craft fabric with him. He giggled when I showed it to him, so that was that. I backed it with some lovely soft red flannel. (As you can see it has been well used already. Sorry for the bad photo, but there is no way I was going to wash it, iron it, make the photo... and I mean, iron it??)

And here is a sneak peak at what I am working on at the moment...

A bag... I'm stalling on the handles so during the meantime;

I'm playing with some old battered story books. Quick craft, easy stress relief for late night teething :)

J'ai fait cette petite couverture pour Maxime le mois dernier. Il etait content a condition que je lui chante toutes les chansons de mon repertoire pendant que je cousait! Pas question d'arreter!
En ce moment je coud un nouveau sac, mais je bloque sur les anses donc en attendant que l'inspiration ne me vienne, je m'amuse avec de vieux livres d'enfant (parfait pour les soires ou Maxime fait ses dents, ca aide a passer le stress!)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Back to my blog!
I have been wanting to and planning to do so for a while now.
It feels like I am starting over completely after being away for more than a year!
Time went by so quickly, I have been making yes, but not that kind of making :)

Maxime is now almost 5 months old and he is keeping us busy, awake, on our toes, walking up and down hills, and rocking for hours... aaaah the joys of parenthood!
He is amazing and surprises us everyday (and he has the yummiest little toes, hehe!!)
He has already been quite inspiring for my craft, though my ideas seem to be more functional with him around! I have been working on a pattern for some trousers, getting ideas for toys...

While I was away from this space, I still managed to create and craft here and there.
Just after my babe was born, a craft shop opened up down the road, and the owner was looking for crafts to expose in her shop so that helped me get myself motivated again to get back into having that little time dedicated to creating.
I supply her with hairclips like these:

See, I have loads of hair, and was really bored of the hairclips I could find in shops. I also found making my own a really good stress release after a long day hehe!! I made some for myself first, then for friends. I am working on making them available on etsy and felt as well soon. Well, hopefully soon...

I also supply the shop with embroidered felted scarves and bags similar to these and these.
I have plenty more that I would like to post but no photos at present. I have to find a moment when it's daytime and the little one is willing to sleep for long enough that I can get to my camera!!

Retour a mon blog.
Maxime a deja presque 5 mois!
Je continue a fabriquer autant que possible.
J'ai commence a vendre mes barettes, echarpes et sacs a une boutique du coin. Cela me motive.
Il ya beaucoup d'autre choses que je voudrais montrer mais il faut que je prenne des photos et pour cela il faut que je trouve un moment quand il fait jour ou le petit veut bien dormir assez longtemps!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Slow Crafter

Today was a day off for me, and it was deserved indeed as I have been working very hard over the last few months.
Time has flown by, and I now find myself preparing in my head for spring already. Where has winter gone? I do vaguely remember some very cold days, driving my car to and from work in the snow, but the weather of this last week has been so beautiful, it's hard not to think about spring things... Like lighter clothes to be made, walks around the hills, a holiday maybe, and growing some veggies...

That last one has been in the back of my head quite a bit lately. With the cost of living going up so much, and with the impression of having been on a cabbage-carrot-onion-pumpkin-potato diet, we both got up on Sunday with loads of energy for gardening (a very rare thing for us).
Of course it's too early, so we just started to make A space to where will be our veggie garden. So far, it looks like a very promising black patch at the far end of our garden!

And since winter is not really finished, I had to make up this little dress. Actually, as you can see the wool and craft cotton used were chosen in Autumn, and it took me over two months to complete it! Oh dear! Quite a nightmare actually. The arms were somehow to tight (like if it was made for an 8 year old tight?? stupid pattern!) so they had to be undone, and a bit added so I could fit my apparently very fat arms through...grrr...
This is a build by wendy pattern . I had already done the short sleeve dress without any problems, but these 3/4 sleeves are to watch for.

And a close up on the pocket. I really love that fabric.

And today I found this...

I have been wanting one of these for ages. The picture is not too good because it was already getting dark when I took this snapshot. It's one of these very old sewing box that open in accordeon and can also be wheeled around. It's so cute and also very practical. It is missing a couple of screws and being very ambitious I am also thinking of sanding it down. But go and tell that to the old chair I'm sitting on: I sanded ONE of its leg 3 years ago...

I guess I could say I'm a slow crafter - with maybe a sprinkle of procrastination ;)