Not much crafting to show this week, as I am still slowly working on my bag, and procrastinating on it!
This weekend was gorgeously sunny. I enjoyed being out and about, but I also really loved being in our house, with the windows opened and the sun coming in from everywhere, sewing while my husband took our babe out for an hour. It felt quiet and peaceful. I love these first days of spring just for that.
One small achievement for this week is the opening of my
shop on
Felt! Although, that doesn't mean there is much in there yet, but mainly that I have worked out how to set up an account an upload a photo, weehee!...
Je n'ai pas de bricolages a montrer cette semaine. Je travaille sur mon sac, mais je bloque sur les anses.Ce weekend a ete tres ensoleille. J'ai aime pouvoir etre dehors, mais j'ai encore plus apprecie etre dans la maison, avec les fenetres et les portes ouvertes, a faire de la couture pendant que mon mari et mon petit bout allaient faire une ballade! Tout etait tranquille.J'ai quand meme reussi a ouvrir ma boutique sur Felt cette semaine. Je n'y a pas encore mis grand chose, mais ca viendra dans les prochaines semaines.
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